Why Should My Store Participate in the Tax Free Shopping Program?
- Nov 1, 2017
The Program encourages tourism for Louisiana
Free Membership ! Louisiana Tax Free Shopping has been in full operation since November 1, 1989. As of that date, over 2,500,000 international sales have been recorded for a total retail spending of over $415 million by over 550,000 international visitors. LTFS is a non-profit organization, all revenues after operating expenses are used to promote international tourism in Louisiana. This program has been cited by many customers as the reason they chose to come to Louisiana for a return visit.
The Program allows you to track International sales
Every voucher that is cashed at a Louisiana Tax Free Shopping Refund Center creates a unique record for your store. Louisiana Tax Free Shopping can provide you with store purchase totals that include: Nationality of customer, total sales and taxes, & category of items purchased
Louisiana Tax Free Shopping advertising benefits
Your store listing on our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Tourlouisiana.com
Signs, decals, or a flag of the LTFS logo to post outside your store, showing you are a participant in the Program
A store sales report at your request
Keeping you aware of conventions or meetings with international delegates
Who is eligible for a tax refund on sales tax?
Any person traveling with a foreign passport, a current U.S. visa and a roundtrip international transportation ticket of less than three months duration.
Who is not eligible for a tax refund on sales tax?
U. S. citizens, resident aliens and foreign students living in the U.S. are not eligible for refunds. U.S. citizens living in another country and dual citizens (U.S. and another country) are also not eligible.
Which retailers are eligible to offer refunds to international visitors?
Only retailers who are members of LTFS may offer refund vouchers to the international visitor.
What products are tax free?
Eligibility is limited to purchases of tangible personal property, which is to be permanently removed from the United States, and which was purchased by an international traveler within Louisiana. Purchases of services or food and beverage to be consumed within Louisiana are not eligible for a sales tax refund. If the salesperson is uncertain about the eligibility of a product, it will be necessary to question the visitor about the intended use of the product. If it is to be consumed in Louisiana, no sales tax voucher is issued.
How Does the Program Work?
After becoming a member of the program, you will be issued a book of (30) vouchers to be distributed to your international customer. The visitor is charged full price including tax at the time of purchase. These vouchers are given to the international visitor at the time of purchase, they should be stapled to the store receipt. The visitor then redeems the voucher at one of our Tax-Refund Centers. There is no better advertising value when competing for your share of this lucrative market. Voucher books are available through our office: $6.00 per book of 30.
Click here for instructions on completing a Tax-Free voucher
Click here for a Merchant Application or contact Stella@Louisianataxfree.com Phone - 504-568-7804
Click here for billing and invoicing questions > or contact Joe@louisianataxfree.com or Phone - 504-568-5249
Category: General Business