Report: Louisiana's complex property tax structure hinders job growth
- Dec 7, 2018
Despite having a relatively lower average property tax rate than many U.S. states, Louisiana ranked poorly on a national tax climate study that concluded its property tax system is a drag on economic development in the state.
The Washington-based Tax Foundation's 2019 State Business Tax Climate Index ranked Louisiana's property tax structure No. 32 in the nation – among the bottom 20. That's lower than the state's ranking in 2016, when Louisiana was rated No. 28.
“Louisiana's taxes on real property, such as land and buildings, are actually very low, on average, compared to other states,” Katherine Loughead, a Tax Foundation policy analyst, told Watchdog.org in an email. “Louisiana's real property taxes are low both when measured in collections per capita and when real estate taxes are measured as a percentage of personal income.”
Category: General Business