Opinion: Don’t forget about amendments this fall
- Sep 6, 2017
Candidates on Louisiana’s Oct. 14 primary ballot are about to drop a few million dollars over the next month or so to produce a statewide voter turnout that will likely come in at around 20 percent or less. That’s the best we can expect, even with all of the interesting personalities, hardcore politics and important policy issues wrapped up in this year’s elections.
So you can imagine how difficult it can be to get that same portion of the electorate to give a flying hoot about constitutional amendments. They appear on the bottom of major statewide ballots in Louisiana, and it’s always a head-shaker to discover hordes of voters ignoring that section.
That voter neglect, in fact, is a troubling trend that I seem to write about on a regular basis. During last year’s presidential election (Nov. 8, 2016) the top race that produced a winner in Donald Trump also drew more than 2 million votes in Louisiana. By comparison, the first of six constitutional amendments on the same ballot that year received 1.8 million votes total. Adding insult to injury, each subsequent referendum received fewer voters than the one that preceded it — meaning voters simply gave up and offered no opinions the lower they got on the ballot.
Category: General Business