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Jindal proposes getting rid of income taxes

Source: - Jan 12, 2013

Gov. Bobby Jindal is proposing to eliminate Louisiana's personal and business income taxes, in exchange for higher state sales taxes and the removal of some tax breaks.

Jindal's shopping the idea to lawmakers, who will consider it in the regular session that begins in April. In a statement Thursday, the Republican governor said eliminating income taxes will "put more money back into the pockets of Louisiana families" and make the state more attractive to companies.

It was the first peek at proposals Jindal will offer as part of his tax code.

He didn't say how much sales taxes would need to be raised - or which tax breaks he's proposing to eliminate - to fill the nearly $3 billion gap that would be left by eliminating income taxes.

Anwar Abdel-Aziz manages a Brother’s Chicken Mart in the Central Business District. He said every penny counts when you’re talking dollars and cents.

“They come from all over the world and states and they come here to enjoy themselves and spend money. Some of them don’t pay taxes at all in their state,” Abdel-Aziz said.


Category: Louisiana
