JEDCO, Jefferson Parish announces Facade Improvement Program projects
- Feb 8, 2019
The Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission(JEDCO) and Jefferson Parish are pleased to announce over a dozen business makeover projects eligible for forgivable loans through the first-ever Jefferson Parish Façade Improvement Program. JEDCO and Jefferson Parish approved eight projects in Phase 1 and 11 projects in Phase 2 for a total of 19 projects being funded with more than $1.2 million.
Established in late 2017, the Facade Improvement Program was designed to stimulate economic development and private investment along a portion of the Jefferson Highway corridor and the Fat City area. The program incentivizes property owners in those high-growth locations to improve the character and physical appearance of their building exteriors and storefronts. Through the Jefferson Parish Community Development Department, JEDCO and the Parish awarded up to $50,000 to each individual project for a variety of exterior improvements, including replacing windows, redoing stucco exterior, installing new landscaping, applying a fresh coat of paint and installing new exterior lighting. The loans will be forgiven entirely after a three-year compliance period.
Over 30 companies applied to participate in the program. All proposals were evaluated by JEDCO and the Jefferson Parish Community Development Department based on certain criteria, including relevance of the proposed project to the Façade Improvement Program’s overall mission, visual impact, community impact, economic impact, and the permanence of proposed improvements.
All approved projects must proceed through the Jefferson Parish Planning Department and the appropriate channels of Jefferson Parish Code Enforcement. The specific permits and planning requirements, as well as the length of the entire planning process, depends on the complexity of each individual project. Four Fat City-based projects are currently underway with additional projects set to begin later this year.
Phase One Projects include:
Drago’s Fire House (Fat City) – Business was awarded $50,000 for new stucco, a large windowed portion on the front and landscaping
Cheers Sports Bar (Fat City) – Business was awarded $48,800 for removing dated windows and adjusting the exterior roof to appear more modern
Drago’s Properties I (Fat City) – Business was awarded $50,000 for new stucco, landscaping and signage
Laurel Outdoor Advertising (Fat City) – Business was awarded $49,524 for new landscaping and modernized façade
Drago’s Properties IV (Fat City) – Business was awarded $50,000 to make the facade more cohesive with the adjacent building and landscaping
Infinity Engineering (Fat City) – Business was awarded $50,000 for new stucco, landscaping, and egress accessibility improvements
Bicycle World of Louisiana (Jefferson Highway) – Business was awarded $50,000 for updated shutters, painting and landscaping
Stevens Realty Group (Fat City) – Business was awarded $23,350 for new signage, painting and landscaping
“This is an exciting time for JEDCO and Jefferson Parish as the projects chosen through the Façade Improvement Program arrive at the funding phase,” said JEDCO President & CEO Jerry Bologna. “We believe the projects chosen to participate in this program will have a very positive impact on the long-term economic success of the Fat City and Jefferson Highway areas. Already, we see physical enhancements through the Façade Improvement Program. Many of the companies are leveraging their own funds to the renovation projects, nearly doubling the amount of investment into their businesses, which was a desire of the program. We look forward to the final results of this project later this year.”
JEDCO and Jefferson Parish anticipate most Façade Improvement Program construction projects will be completed by fall of 2019.
The Facade Improvement Program grew out of the Jefferson EDGE 2020, the Parish’s comprehensive economic development strategic plan. JEDCO staff and Jefferson Parish stakeholders played a key role in the development and implementation of the program, which will provide a major benefit to all residents and business owners located in Fat City and along the Jefferson Highway Corridor. It is intended to spur development and beautify aging areas of Fat City while also increasing street appeal for businesses in both Fat City and along Jefferson Highway.
click source to read article and access JEDCO's site
Category: General Business