Bill Cassidy, M.D. United States Senator For Louisiana
- May 31, 2018
Helping You
It is my desire to support federal grant projects that sustain and advance the health, education, household income, and economic growth of the State of Louisiana. If you would like to request a Letter of Support, please click the Download Blank Application button below and fill out the blank form. The document will also feature instructions on how to submit your request to my office.
Grants and Federal Domestic Assistance
Guidance and key resources to help eligible grantseekers find information on federal grants, loans, and nonfinancial assistance, as well as on private funding.
Prepared by the Congressional Research Service for the U.S. Senate, updated February 2018.
How Best to Find Information
Key Federal Funding Sources
Related Federal Sources
Private and Corporate Funding
How Best to Find Information
Find out Who is eligible for a Grant? Other government websites may be more suitable for personal needs, student loans, small business assistance, or other business opportunities such as government contracting. The website Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid may also be of help.
If eligible, search for programs in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). Includes grants, loans, business and nonfinancial help.
Contact federal office given in CFDA program description: if state or local office is indicated, check Regional Agency Offices at top of CFDA website for addresses.
Go to federal websites given in each CFDA program description for more information and for state administering agencies responsible for managing these programs.
Check current federal grants opportunities at Grants.gov, obtain a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number, register with System for Award Management (SAM), and apply online (links and instructions given at the website). Additional notices appear at FedConnect.
Search foundations for project funding: use the Foundation Center website or Foundation Information Network resources in libraries to identify national, state, and community foundations.
Learn how to write grant proposals: Take the free online Foundation Center Proposal Writing Short Course, or see other tips and sample proposals at Grantspace’s How Do I Write a Grant Proposal?
Key Federal Funding Sources
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
State Single Points of Contact
CFDA in Local Libraries
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (General Services Administration)
The CFDA, issued annually and updated continuously on the Web, describes some 1600 federal grants and non-financial assistance programs. Grantseekers can identify programs that might support their projects and can learn the program's objectives, requirements, application procedures and contacts. For current notices of funding availability, see Grants.gov or FedConnect.
Grants.gov (via Dept. of Health and Human Services)
Federal grants website that allows eligible grantseekers (see Who is eligible for a Grant?) to find and apply for current competitive grant opportunities from ALL federal agencies. Grantseekers can check on notices of funding availability (NOFAs) posted in the last 7 days; access RSS feeds of grant opportunities; and apply for federal grants through a unified process by downloading the application and submitting online. The website guides grantseekers in obtaining a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number, registering with System for Award Management (SAM), and registering with Grants.gov to apply and to track applications. For full federal program descriptions, see CFDA below. See also website FedConnect for additional grants and contracts opportunities.
State Single Points of Contact (Office of Management and Budget)
Under Executive Order 12372, some states require federal grants applicants to submit a copy of their application for state government level review and comment. The state offices listed here coordinate federal financial assistance and may direct federal development. For help in identifying state-level grants, other state government agencies websites may be found at State and Local Agencies.
CFDA in Local Libraries (Government Printing Office)
Although CFDA is available full-text on the Internet, some may prefer a print edition. However, only the Web version is continuously updated-- the published volume is annual with no supplements. The CFDA is available in all states in Federal Depository Libraries -- click on FDLP Public Page.
Related Federal Resources
A-Z Index Departments & Agencies
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Homeland Security Grants
USA.gov for Business
Student Aid on the Web
FTC Consumer Alert
OMB Circulars
A-Z Index of U.S. Department and Agencies (General Services Administration)
To better develop a grant proposal, search a department or agency's Home Page to learn more about its programs and objectives. The site USA.gov also links to Government Benefits, Grants and Loans.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Funding (Department of Energy)
Grants are EERE's primary funding vehicle for businesses, industries, universities and others. Most EERE grants are awarded on merit on a competitive basis. See also EERE Financial Opportunities and listings on Grants.gov or FedConnect. For state-by-state information on state, local. utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, search DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency).
DHS Financial Assistance (Department of Homeland Security)
Most Homeland Security non-disaster grant programs are designated for state and local governments and specific entities such as colleges, etc. Unsolicited applications from individuals are generally not accepted. Includes Urban Area Security Initiative, Citizens Corps, Medical Response System, Operation Stonegarden (border security), Infrastructure Protection. Contact homeland security State Offices. Programs for firefighters may be found at Assistance to Firefighters.
USA.gov for Businesses and Nonprofits (GSA)
Includes contracting with the federal government, international trade and exporting, and small business. See also financial assistance links at the Small Business Administration website.
FedBizOpps.gov (GSA)
Official website posting business, contracting, and procurement opportunities with the federal government. Useful information for vendors, including FBO Demonstration Videos and Frequently Asked Questions, appear under the Getting Started tab. Search options include an advanced search form for more targeted filtering of current opportunities.
Student Aid on the Web (Department of Education)
Financial assistance for education beyond high school is generally "needs-based" and often includes loans and work-study, in addition to some grants. College and university applications, websites, and brochures usually include financial aid information for prospective and incoming students.
https://www.benefits.gov/ (via Department of Labor)
Government grants are not direct assistance to individuals, but fund state and local programs providing help to those in need. This online screening site can be used to identify state and local government benefits and how to apply. Covers direct payments, loans, insurance, training, or other services.
FTC Consumer Alert (Federal Trade Commission)
The FTC warns consumers to beware of paying "processing fees" for information that is available free to the public. Ads claiming federal grants are available for home repairs, home business, unpaid bills, or other personal expenses are often a scam.
OMB Grants Management Web Site (Office of Management and Budget)
OMB establishes government-wide grants management policies and guidelines through circulars and common rules. OMB Circulars are cited in CFDA program descriptions and may be printed out full text.
Private and Corporate Funding Sources
Foundation Center Grants Space
Gateway to information about private funding sources, the grantseeking process, guidelines on writing a grant proposal, addresses of state libraries with grants reference collections, and links to other useful Internet websites. The Center maintains a comprehensive Foundation Directory Online database on foundations; produces print and electronic directories and guides; conducts research and publishes studies in the field; and offers a variety of training and educational seminars.
How do I find grants for my nonprofit?
Proposal Writing Short Course (also in Spanish, French, and other languages)
Foundation Information Network (by state) Check for locations at Grants Space, Find Us. Free funding information available in libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit centers nationwide.
Grants Resources by State (Grantsmanship Center)
Click on state map to find links to information about a state's foundations, community foundations, corporate giving programs and the state's home page.
Assistance to Firefighters Grants (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency)
This program helps firefighters and other first responders to obtain critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training and other resources needed to protect the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards.
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program provides flexible grants to help cities, counties, and states recover from presidentially declared disasters, especially in low-income areas, subject to availability of supplemental appropriations. In response to presidentially declared disasters, Congress may appropriate additional funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program as Disaster Recovery grants to rebuild the affected areas and provide crucial seed money to start the recovery process. Since CDBG Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) assistance may fund a broad range of recovery activities, HUD can help communities and neighborhoods that otherwise might not recover due to limited resources.
Continuing Authorities Program(Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program is a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Corps of Engineers can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity. All projects in this program include a feasibility phase and an implementation phase.
DHS Financial Assistance (Department of Homeland Security)
This program is the transfer to a non-federal recipient of anything of value for a public purpose, and in DHS includes grants, cooperative agreements, training, loans, direct payments, and National flood insurance.
Flood Risk Management Program (Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program works across the agency to focus the policies, programs and expertise of USACE toward reducing overall flood risk. This includes the appropriate use and resiliency of structures such as levees and floodwalls, as well as promoting alternatives when other approaches (e.g., land acquisition, flood proofing, etc.) reduce the risk of loss of life, reduce long-term economic damages to the public and private sector, and improve the natural environment.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency)
This program is designed to provide funding to protect life and property from future natural disasters. It includes three grants:
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures following a major disaster.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) provides funds for hazard mitigation planning and projects on an annual basis.
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) provides funds for projects to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on an annual basis.
Office of Justice Programs (Department of Justice)
These programs provide assistance to law enforcement and the courts to fight crime, manage judicial cases, and assist victims of crime.
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program helps state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes prepare for, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water for households and businesses.
Expansion of Rural 911 Service Access Loans & Loan Guarantees (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides affordable financing to eligible Rural Utilities Service borrowers, state and local governmental entities, federally recognized tribes, and emergency communications equipment providers to speed the deployment in rural areas of dual-use public safety/commercial wireless networks, addresses homeland security communications needs along America's rural international borders, and finances enhanced 911 capabilities for carriers and communities.
Fire Prevention & Safety Grants (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency)
This program supports projects that enhance the safety of the public and firefighters from fire and related hazards.
Preparedness (Non-Disaster) Grants (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency)
This program provides state and local governments with preparedness program funding in the form of Non-Disaster Grants to enhance the capacity of state and local emergency responders to prevent, respond to, and recover from a weapons of mass destruction terrorism incident involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive devices and cyber-attacks.
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) (Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency)
This program provides funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained, "front line" firefighters available in their communities.\
Biorefinery Assistance Program (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides loan guarantees for up to 80% of the project costs to develop, construct, and retrofit commercial-scale biorefineries.
Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program is designed to assist cities with the redevelopment of abandoned, idled and underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion and redevelopment is burdened by real or potential environmental contamination. BEDI grants must be used in conjunction with a new Section 108-guaranteed loan commitment. Section 108 is the loan guarantee provision of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program provides annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons.
Delta Community Capital Initiative (Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Treasury, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, and Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides direct investment and technical assistance to community development lending and investing institutions that focus on affordable housing, small business and community facilities to benefit the residents of Lower Mississippi Delta Region.
Farm Labor Housing Direct Loans & Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides affordable financing to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to develop housing for year-round and migrant or seasonal domestic farm laborers.
Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program provides assistance to communities that have suffered from foreclosures and abandonment with the purchase and redevelopment of foreclosed and abandoned homes and residential properties.
Rural Business Development Grant Program (RBDG) (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
The Rural Business Development Grant Program (RBDG) was created under the 2014 Farm Bill, and consolidates the Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) and Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) Programs. USDA Rural Development is currently working on a rule to implement the program.
Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
The primary objective of the RCDG program is to improve the economic condition of rural areas by assisting individuals and businesses in the startup, expansion or operational improvement of rural cooperatives and other mutually-owned businesses through Cooperative Development Centers. Grants are awarded through a national competition.
Rural Housing and Economic Development (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program supports capacity building at the state and local level for rural housing and economic development and innovative housing and economic development activities in rural areas
Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program provides communities with a source of financing for economic development, housing rehabilitation, public facilities, and large-scale physical development projects. This flexibility makes it one of the most potent and important public investment tools that HUD offers to local governments. The Section 108 loan guarantee program allows local governments to transform a small portion of their CDBG funds into federally guaranteed loans large enough to pursue physical and economic revitalization projects capable of renewing entire neighborhoods. Such public investment is often needed to inspire private economic activity, providing the initial resources or simply the confidence that private firms and individuals may need to invest in distressed areas. Local governments borrowing funds guaranteed by HUD through the Section 108 program must pledge their current and future CDBG allocations as security for the loan.
Air Quality and Radiation Grants (Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation)
This program provides funding for air quality, transportation, climate change, indoor air and other related topics.
Brownfields and Land Revitalization (Environmental Protection Agency)
This program provides direct funding for brownfields assessment, cleanup, revolving loans, and environmental job training. To facilitate the leveraging of public resources, EPA's Brownfields Program collaborates with other EPA programs, other federal partners, and state agencies to identify and make available resources that can be used for brownfields activities. In addition to direct brownfields funding, EPA also provides technical information on brownfields financing matters.
Circuit Rider Program - Technical Assistance for Rural Water Systems (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides technical assistance to rural water systems having day-to-day operation, financial or management issues. Assistance may be requested by officials of rural water systems or Rural Utilities Service staff.
Continuing Authorities Program(Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program is a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Corps of Engineers can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity. All projects in this program include a feasibility phase and an implementation phase.
Ecosystem Restoration Authorities (Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program provides assistance to restore significant ecosystem function, structure, and dynamic processes that have been degraded. Ecosystem restoration efforts involve an examination of the problems contributing to the system degradation, and the development of alternative means for their solution. The intent of restoration is to partially or fully reestablish the attributes of a natural, functioning, and self-regulating system. Restoration opportunities associated with wetlands, riparian, and other floodplain and aquatic systems are likely to be most appropriate for Corps involvement. The Corps can participate in the study, design and implementation of ecosystem restoration projects through this program.
Household Water Well System Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program helps qualified non-profits and Tribes create a revolving loan fund (RLF) to extend access to clean, reliable water to households in eligible rural areas.
Planning Assistance to States (Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)< This program provides assistance to states, local governments and tribes in planning for water and related resources of a drainage basin or larger region of a state, for which the Corps of Engineers has expertise.
Pollution Prevention Grant (Environmental Protection Agency)
This program provides grants/cooperative agreements to state governments and federally recognized tribes to implement pollution prevention technical assistance services and/or training for businesses and support projects that utilize pollution prevention techniques to reduce and/or eliminate pollution from air, water and/or land.
SEARCH - Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides funding to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to help very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design assistance, and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects.
Solid Waste Management Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides funding to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and federally recognized tribes to help reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources through funding for organizations that provide technical assistance or training to improve the planning and management of solid waste sites.
Water Grants (Environmental Protection Agency)
These programs provide a number of different grants to address clean water, beaches, safe drinking water, water pollution control, watersheds, and wetlands.
Water & Waste Disposal Loans and Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
These loans and grants provide affordable financing to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to improve access to clean, reliable water and waste disposal systems for households and businesses in rural areas.
Once a Federal Agency is finished using property and equipment, it becomes available to qualifying federal, state and local governments, and non-profits. The General Services Administration administers this program though state agencies. The federal surplus manager for Louisiana is:
Richard Janis
Assistant Manager
Louisiana Federal Property Assistance Agency
1635 Foss Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
PHONE: (225) 342-7860
EMAIL: richard.janis@la.gov
FAX: (225) 342-7863
The property and equipment may also be sold to the public at GovSales.gov. The Department of Defense sales its vehicles and heavy equipment at GovPlanet.com and all of its other surplus at GovLiquidation.com.
The Louisiana Property Assistance Agency (LPAA) program similarly provides surplus state property and equipment to qualifying state and local governments and non-profits.
Delta Health Care Services Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides financial assistance, with assistance from the Delta Regional Authority (DRA), to address the continued unmet health needs in the Delta Region through cooperation among health care professionals, institutions of higher education, research institutions, and other entities in the Delta Region. Grants are awarded through a national competition.
Health Care Grants (Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration)
These programs offer a number of grants targeted to underserve medical issues.
Section 242 Hospital Mortgage Insurance Program, "Helping Hospitals Get Capital Financing" (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program supports underwriting and asset management of FHA-insured hospital loans.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
This program provides formula grants to states and localities that communities use - often in partnership with local nonprofit groups - to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people. It is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.
HUD Homelessness Assistance Programs (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
HUD provides a number of homeless programs which are categorized as either formula (non-competitive) and competitive. HUD awards Emergency Solutions Grants by formula to states and local governments. It awards the Continuum of Care Program and other competitive funds via a national competition through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
Housing Preservation & Revitalization Demonstration Loans & Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program restructures loans for existing Rural Rental Housing and Off-Farm Labor Housing projects to help improve and preserve the availability of safe affordable rental housing for low income residents.
Housing Preservation Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides grants to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes for the repair or rehabilitation of housing occupied by low and very low income people.
Multi-Family Housing Direct Loans (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides competitive financing to state and local governmental entities, individuals, trusts, associations, partnerships, limited partnerships, nonprofit organizations, for-profit corporations and consumer cooperatives, and federally recognized tribes for affordable multi-family rental housing for low-income, elderly, or disabled individuals and families in eligible rural areas.
VA's Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program (Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs)
This program provides funding and assistance to community agencies for the construction, renovation, or acquisition of a building to shelter homeless veterans and a per diem for operations.
VA’ Acquired Property Sales for Homeless Providers Program (Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs)
This program makes all the properties VA obtains through foreclosures on VA-insured mortgages available for sale to homeless provider organizations to shelter homeless Veterans. The mortgages are offered at a discount of 20 to 50 percent, based on how long the property has been listed for sale.
Veterans Supportive Housing Program (Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs)
This joint program provides housing choice vouchers through Section 8 and VA provides case management and outreach.
Art Grants and Partnerships (National Endowment for the Arts)
These NEA grants and partnership agreements provide funding and assistance to promote arts in the community.
Boating Safety Financial Assistance (Department of Homeland Security, Coast Guard)
This program provides grants to the states for a number of boat safety activities including public education training.
Challenge Grants (National Endowment for the Humanities)
This program provides capacity-building grants, intended to support significant humanities activities of high intellectual quality and to help institutions secure long-term support for their humanities programs. Has been awarded to libraries and museums.
Continuing Authorities Program(Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program is a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Corps of Engineers can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity. All projects in this program include a feasibility phase and an implementation phase.
Historic Preservation Fund-State Historic Preservation Offices Grants (Department of the Interior, National Parks Service)
This program provides matching grants to states for the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties by such means as survey, planning technical assistance, acquisition, development, and certain federal tax incentives available for historic properties; provides matching grants to states to expand the National Register of Historic Places, (the Nation's listing of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture at the National, State and local levels); and assists federal, state, and local government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private individuals in carrying out historic preservation activities.
Museum and Library Grants (Institute of Museum and Library Services)
These programs provide a number of grants to museums and libraries for such activities as collections management, community engagement, conservation, educational programs, and research.
Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants (National Endowment for the Humanities)
This program provides support for museums, libraries, historic places, and other organizations that produce public programs in the humanities. Planning grants support the early stages of project development, including consultation with scholars, refinement of humanities themes, preliminary design, testing, and audience evaluation
Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants (National Endowment for the Humanities)
This program provide support for museums, libraries, historic places, and other organizations that produce public programs in the humanities. Implementation grants support final scholarly research and consultation, design development, production, and installation of a project for presentation to the public.
Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants - Outdoor Recreation Acquisition, Development and Planning (Department of the Interior, National Parks Service)
This program provides matching grants to states and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities (as well as funding for shared federal land acquisition and conservation strategies).
Preserve America Grants (Department of the Interior, National Parks Service)
This program provides matching-grant funding to designated Preserve America Communities to support preservation efforts through heritage tourism, education, and historic preservation planning. A list of Louisiana designated communities can be found at Preserve America.
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
This program provides consultation and technical assistance and creates partnerships with public, private and non-profit organizations to promote healthy lifestyles.
Recreational Trails (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration)
This program provides funds to the states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non-motorized and motorized recreational trail uses. The funds represent a portion of the motor fuel excise tax collected from non-highway recreational fuel use.
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (Department of the Interior, National Parks Service)
This program provides technical assistance to help create local, regional and state networks of parks, rivers, trails, greenways and open spaces by collaborating with community partners and National Park areas.
Sport Fish Restoration (Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service)
This program provides grant funds to the state fish and wildlife agencies for fishery projects, boating access and aquatic education.
Wildlife Restoration (Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service)
This program provides grant funds to the state fish and wildlife agencies for projects to restore, conserve, manage, and enhance wild birds and mammals and their habitat. Projects also include providing public use and access to wildlife resources; hunter education and safety; and the development and management of shooting ranges.
Broadband Loans & Loan Guarantees (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides financing to telecommunications providers in rural areas where traditional financing is not otherwise available for the construction, improvement, and acquisition of facilities and equipment to provide broadband service to eligible rural communities.
Community Connect Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program helps fund broadband deployment into rural communities where it is not yet economically viable for private sector providers to deliver service. Eligible applicants include most state and local governments, non-profits organizations, federally recognized tribes, and for-profit corporations.
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides affordable funding to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings.
Economic Impact Initiative Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides funding to state and local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and federally recognized tribes to assist in the development of essential community facilities in rural communities with extreme unemployment and severe economic depression. An essential community facility is one that provides an essential service to the local community, is needed for the orderly development of the community, serves a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings.
Rural Community Development Initiative Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides funding to help state and local governmental entities, non-profit housing and community development organizations and federally recognized tribes support housing, community facilities, and community and economic development projects in rural areas.
Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides financial assistance to state and local governmental entities,land grant institutions, rural electric cooperatives, public power entities, and federally recognized tribes to assist rural small businesses and agricultural producers with conducting and promoting energy audits and providing recommendations and information on how to improve the energy efficiency of the operations of the agricultural producers and rural small businesses and use renewable energy technologies and resources in their operations.
Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans & Loan Guarantees (Department of Agriculture, Rural Development)
This program provides financing for the construction, maintenance, improvement and expansion of telephone service and broadband in rural areas.
Airport Improvement Program (Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration)
This program provides grants to public agencies and, in some cases, to private owners and entities for the planning and development of public-use airports that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS).
Continuing Authorities Program(Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
This program is a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Corps of Engineers can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity. All projects in this program include a feasibility phase and an implementation phase.
Local Road Safety Improvement Projects (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration & Louisiana Transportation Research Center)
This program provides funding and technical assistance to increase local community participation in roadway safety and to develop and implement road safety improvements on public roads under parish or municipal jurisdiction.
National Infrastructure Investments or "TIGER" Grants (Department of Transportation)
The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER Discretionary Grant program, provides investment in road, rail, transit, and port projects that promise to achieve critical national objectives.
Rail Line Relocation & Improvement Capital Grant Program (Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration)
This program provides grants for construction projects that improve the route or structure of a rail line and are carried out for the purpose of mitigating the adverse effects of rail traffic on safety, motor vehicle traffic flow, community quality of life, or economic development; or involve a lateral or vertical relocation of any portion of the rail line.
Transportation Alternative Program (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration & Louisiana Department of Transportation)
This program provides an 80/20 match to work toward building a more balanced transportation system that includes pedestrians and bicyclists as well as the motoring public. Eligible projects can include bicycle and pedestrian facilities, safe routes for non-drivers, conversion of abandoned railway corridors to trails, scenic turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas, archaeological activities, stormwater mitigation, wildlife management, and community improvement activities. Community improvement activities can include outdoor advertising management, historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities and vegetation management.
Public Transportation Grants (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration & Louisiana Department of Transportation)
These programs provide matching grants to fund transportation for the elderly and individuals with disabilities as well as rural and intercity transportation.
Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention (Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service)
This program provide technical and financial assistance in carrying out works of improvement to protect, develop, and utilize the land and water resources in watersheds. Technical assistance is provided in designing, and installing watershed works of improvement. Financial assistance is provided for sharing costs of measures for watershed protection, flood prevention, agricultural water management, sedimentation control, public water based fish, wildlife, recreation; municipal and industrial water supply. Watershed area must not exceed 250,000 acres. Capacity of a single structure is limited to 25,000 acre-feet of total capacity and 12,500 acre-feet of floodwater detention capacity.
Category: General Business