3 Tips for Last-Minute Tax Filing
- Apr 17, 2017
If you've waited until the last minute to file your taxes, you're not alone. The IRS estimates that 20% to 25% of tax filers submit their returns during the last two weeks of the tax season. If you're up against the clock as the April 18 filing deadline looms, here are a few tips you can use.
1. Figure out whether you have all of your paperwork and documentation
If your return is relatively uncomplicated, and it's mostly a matter of copying numbers over from a W-2 and some 1099 forms, then you shouldn't have a problem filing at the last minute -- provided you have that documentation in place. While employers rarely neglect to send out W-2s, 1099s are a different story. Before you drive yourself crazy to get your return filed in time for the deadline, make sure you actually have the appropriate paperwork on hand. If you don't, you'll have no choice but to postpone your filing, which leads to my next tip...
Category: General Business