10 Questions to Ask a Tax Professional About the New Tax Law
- Jan 23, 2018
If there was ever a good time to work more closely with your tax preparer, this might be the year. There’s plenty to discuss, from how best to complete your 2017 tax return to how to plan for the new federal tax law, which will affect your 2018 taxes.
Because not all the regulations of the tax law have been completed, there will probably be more changes that you’ll need to know about.
“All through the year there will be updates coming out of the IRS and Treasury telling tax pros how to work with clients to implement this law,” says Chuck O’Toole, editor of Tax Notes, a tax news organization that focuses on tax professionals. “If your taxes are at all complicated, you’ll want someone to walk through them with you.”
Here are some questions you may want to run by your tax preparer:
Category: General Business