
IRS Announces 2015 E-Filing Start Date

Dec 30, 2014

IRS has stated that E-filing for the upcoming 2015 tax season will begin on 01/20/2015.

Please make your appointments as soon as you've received ALL your information--make sure you have all W-2's, 1099's, and other tax documents.

Last year, many of you received some documents after you had already filed and you had to wait to mail in your amended returns.

FYI, our fees to amend a tax return start at $150 and are done after April 15th, so save yourself the trouble and be patient.

So for example, if you only worked one job and you get your W-2 on 1/15--of course schedule your appointment ASAP. However, if you're self employed, have a child in college, and have investments--wait until at least the middle of February to make sure you get all 1099's, 1098T's and investment forms (which sometimes come in really late).

See y'all soon.